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Daily Recovery Blog

Saturday July 27, 2024
"You got to wake before you speak up" - Daryll J.

I am the type of person that needs to believe in something. Even
as little boy, my imagination was very vivid. I wanted to be
somebody important. I needed more attention than other kids. I
believed in the tooth fairy. I believed in Santa Claus. I sang
songs in church that made me feel good. When I got older, other
kids picked on me and called me names. The hope I’d originally
had diminished. I lost my zest for life. I started hating myself.
I wet the bed. I cried myself to sleep. I had low self esteem. I
wanted to feel better. I spent most of my time covering up the
things that hurt me the most. By the time drugs became available
to me, I was more than ready. Drugs did for me what life had
stopped doing. I felt good for the first time in years. I was
immediately enthralled with the whole lifestyle. I felt
important. Drugs worked for quite awhile before I started having
serious problems. By the time I got into recovery, I had sold my
soul to the dope man. I am blessed to have been invited to a
meeting where I was told I was actually needed. Those words were
necessary in order to reach me. I was completely lost. When I was
asked to make the coffee, I started to believe again. Yes, it was
a slow process, but I listened at the meetings. I learned to
follow some simple suggestions. Building back what was lost a
long time ago seemed almost impossible. I was taught that a
strong foundation could weather any of life's storms. The
fellowship loved me until I could learn to love myself. I became
a believer again. The hope I had lost a long time ago returned in
the form of love.

"Pain never really goes away; you just elevate and get used to it
by growing stronger." - Philloppos


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